Monday, January 16, 2017

Another holiday bites the dust

It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  I spend a little bit of time reflecting on this in the morning, whilst preparing my kids to go out with my husband for the day. I'll let you in on a little secret-- I wanted to go with them.  Yes, I've been frustrated with some behavioral issues lately and needed the break (not to mention my son has no school tomorrow), and yes, I needed the time to get some writing done.  However, I'm starting to find out that I get more frustrated having these huge time blocks.  I know that sounds counterintuitive.  I have plenty of things I could be doing, even besides working on the dissertation.  However, I'm finding that too much time at once isn't always the best for me.   Sure, I spent about 2 hours this morning trying to submit an abstract and paper excerpts to a conference, and I had to get that done.  And yes, I did get about an hour's worth of writing done.  Nevertheless, here we are at almost 3 p.m., and I know I should try to do more, but I just keep thinking about how I'm missing out.  It's an odd time of year, too.  My weekday classes start on Thursday; I have a busy week ahead with class on Saturday among various other household obligations and appointments.  I'm just feeling somewhat stuck.  I keep thinking that if I just keep writing, I will feel less stuck.  I'm not 100% there yet, but I keep thinking about what my adviser said-- "just get things down on the paper", and you can rework it later.  That's definitely true; every little bit helps.  Now, maybe I should go to the store....:)

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