People might talk about reaching the point of "saturation" whilst collecting data. Right now, I am at the point of saturation in preparing for my comp exam! I bet there are other people out there who know what I mean. Have you ever been studying for an (more traditional, maybe multiple choice/short answer/essay) exam and you just can't study anymore, even if you feel like you should read something else, try to memorize something else, etc? That is me right now. I feel like I have a good handle on my reading list and some arguments that I am developing with respect to the literature. However, there were a few readings that I either didn't look at or didn't read closely (that happened to me with my last comp-- again, my list was too long then and is now). I'm just at the point where I can't do any more! I spoke with one of my exam committee members today. She thinks I will do fine; none of the questions will be a surprise; I won't be citing everything on my long list. Still. Maybe it will do my brain good to take (even at least a semi) break over this holiday weekend. Can't wait for 10 a.m., April 9th when this thing will be done!!!
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